Quickly glance at current conditions in your menubar, or dive into an incredibly detailed hourly forecast and weekly weather overview, covering low and high temperature, wind speed and direction, chance of rain, humidity, dew point, UV index, pressure, visibility and more.
iStat Menus can show the weather based on your current location, or for almost any city in the world.
iStat Menus can notify you of an incredibly wide range of events, based on CPU, GPU, memory, disks, network, sensors, battery, power and weather. This lets you be notified when your public IP has changed, if your internet connection is down, if CPU usage is above 60% for more than 10 seconds, or a near-infinite range of other options. It can even let you know the weather for the day, or remind you of daylight savings changes.
More colors and theme options
As well as being easier to theme, iStat Menus 6 introduces new ways to colour and style the menubar icons, menu dropdowns, and graphs. If you’d prefer your menu dropdowns match macOS, we’ve also added support for light and dark vibrant menu dropdown backgrounds.
Notification Center widget
The new iStat Menus widget is a great way to keep your Mac’s vital stats tucked away in Notification Center. CPU usage, memory, top CPU and memory processes, load averages, disk space and uptime are only ever a single click or swipe gesture away, from any app.